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The grocery stores are absolutely full of great deals on baking supplies, stuffing, chicken stock, and…of course, turkey!  It’s hard to choose which things to stock up on.  But if you can create any wiggle room in your grocery budget at all, be sure to take extra advantage of the great prices on the items you use the most.  Fill those freezers and pantries!

If you’re starting to make your Thanksgiving plans and aren’t sure what side to take to your pot luck, here is a great list of suggestions.

A tradition my own little family has is to eat a Practice Thanksgiving every year about a week before the “real” Thanksgiving.  Since we attend a big family pot luck for both lunch and supper on the actual day of Thanksgiving, this gives us the chance to celebrate the holiday for ourselves.  It also gives me the opportunity to try out any new recipes before I take them along to the big family event.  We really enjoy this tradition!

So here is our 2 Week Meal Plan for November.  As usual, I like to keep it simple and work with the cheaper in season foods.

2 Week Meal Plan for November



  • sandwiches (PB&J, lunchmeat, nutella and graham crackers)
  • hard boiled eggs
  • salads
  • muffins
  • leftovers
  • peanut butter or cheese and crackers
  • yogurt or cheese
  • fresh fruits and veggies
  • pudding, cookies, chips, pretzels, or some sort of small treat


Treats and Desserts

Be sure to follow me on Pinterest for more great recipe finds!

Visit Medium Sized Family’s profile on Pinterest.

What’s on your meal plan this week?
