by Jamie Jeffers | Jan 19, 2017 | Saving Money, Secure Your Savings
“Do you have any coupons?” asked the cashier as she rang up my clothing. “No. Do you?” I asked her, mostly joking. “Hmm. Yeah, I actually have one right here you can use,” she said, much to my surprise.
That’s how simple it can be to save money on your purchase.
by Jamie Jeffers | Jan 18, 2017 | Income, Secure Your Savings
Have you ever stared at the balance on a credit card and wished there was something you could do right now to get it paid off? I know I have.
I can’t give you directions to a money tree (besides, if I find that puppy I’m keeping it to myself!). But I can do the next best thing. Let’s talk about retail merchandising and how the flexibility of this job might make it the right side hustle for you.
by Jamie Jeffers | Jan 17, 2017 | Saving Money, Secure Your Savings
Knowing how to stop impulse buying before you hit the store can give you the motivation to save tons of money. Beat the stores at their own game.
As I pulled my heavy cart of groceries into the check out lane, I glanced over at the candy rack. There I see a box of my beloved Heath bars.
After spending an hour or two deciding whether to buy or not buy each package based on a few dimes difference, I’m tired of making decisions.
That candy bar is calling my name, and it’s just a dollar. Should I buy it? Or not?
Does it really make that big a difference?
by Jamie Jeffers | Jan 16, 2017 | Income, Secure Your Savings
When you’re looking for a way to make money, the best advice I have is to fix a problem for someone. And babysitting is a problem nearly every parent is looking to fill. Whether it’s for help while they work or for the occasional date night, good babysitting is always in demand.
I’m not going to tell you to open up a daycare in your home. (Though many stay at home moms that earn money tend to earn it this way.)
Without committing to a full time job, you can earn some extra cash being a part time or occasional babysitter. So let’s talk about some babysitting ideas you can use to earn a side income and cushion your account.
by Jamie Jeffers | Jan 15, 2017 | Income, Secure Your Savings
These are the easiest ways you can make money as a stay at home mom. Earn money while you put away dishes, fold laundry, or wait in the carpool line. (Really!)
I don’t know the science behind it, but one thing I do know is that checking in on Facebook turns a quick two minutes into twenty.
It’s a time suck for sure, but doggonit I love checking in with my people.
For about the same amount of effort and time I spend scrolling Facebook (and trying to decide what level of insulted I feel by everything I see there) I could make some money.
Which is pretty cool.
Hey, I love being a stay at home mom, and I wouldn’t change it. But we SAHMs are pretty crafty about finding ways to save money…and to make a little extra.
So add these ideas to your bag of tricks.
by Jamie Jeffers | Jan 14, 2017 | Secure Your Savings
Ma Bell held tight control over the phone system in America for decades. It wasn’t until the 80s that the monopoly was broken up and competition allowed to begin.
The 90s gave birth to the Telecommunications Act, which opened up long distance calls to greater competition. It also gave us such hits as 10 10 220 and Carrot Top commercials.