Want to know how to make money as a teenager? This list of money making ideas for every kind of teen is filled with ideas for you.
There comes a point in every teenager’s life when they realize that they need money for all the stuff they want and the things they want to do.
And it doesn’t take long for the mom and dad money well to run dry.
So what’s a kid to do?
Well…find a way to earn some cash!
Learning how to make money as a teenager isn’t as tough as you think.
But I’m gonna let you in on a little secret…
The Best Way To Get Work As A Teen
Here’s some advice I’ve given to my own teenagers:
A lot of adults think that teenagers are unreliable.
That’s because they don’t show up when they say they will. And if they do show up, they spend most of their time on their phones.
This is not a good way to make money.
If you want to earn the cash, you have to overcome that stereotype.
It actually isn’t all that hard to do. Learn the phrase “under-promise and over-deliver”.
That means, don’t swear on your grandmother’s grave that you know everything there is to know about a job. Don’t toot your own horn, telling them that you’ll do the best job they’ve ever seen.
DO promise to show up on time and give them your best.
Then, show up a little early and work harder than they tell you to. Don’t beg for breaks. Don’t sneak away or leave early.
Do the job right. And then give a little extra if you can.
Need a little extra help? Then check out The Teen Job Lab. It’s exactly what you need to land a well paying job, even if it’s your very first experience. (And it’ll cost you less than a fast food combo.)
The Teen Job Lab system breaks down the overwhelming job search process – from creating a resume that’ll actually get read and online & offline job searching, to interview prep – so you can pay for gas (and a whole lot more).
Great Ways For Teenagers To Earn Money

1. You probably don’t have a Facebook, but it might be a good idea to join (with parents permission!)
Or ask your parents to post for you.
Ask around on FB for odd jobs. Find a local Facebook group, join it, and then ask if anyone has any odd jobs they need done.
Tell them you are willing to work hard. Then choose the jobs that come from people you know or that your parents approve of.
NEVER EVER just go to someone’s home if you don’t have good references for their good character. There are bad people everywhere.
2. Lifeguard. They’re always looking for good people.

3. Yard Work. Everyone has it, no one wants to do it. Mow, use a weedwacker, etc.
4. Babysit. It helps if you’ve taken a first aid class, but you can also look up some extra tips online.

5. Pressure Wash Stuff. Invest in a pressure washer (this one has good ratings at a decent price). Practice using it at home. (Maybe your parents will be willing to go in on the cost if you use it to help around the house!)
6. Detail cars. Find some YouTube videos and learn how to do it right. Practice on your own car and your friends and family’s cars.

7. Wash cars. Not as much prep work for this one, but you will have to invest in some sponges and towels.
8. Clean houses.
9. Sell on Ebay. This is such a good way to get a taste of being an entrepreneur. Here’s how to start.
10. Walk dogs.

11. Fix mailboxes: Scrap off old paint, repair any scratches, repaint them.
12. Sell cakes or cookies. Check with your local government for any rules about selling baked goods.
13. Throw hay. Hot, sweaty work that pays well if you do it right.

14. Pull weeds.
15. Pet sitting.
16. Mother’s helper. Many young mother’s are tired and sometimes overwhelmed by the responsibilities of taking care of young kids and their house. They want you to work alongside them rather than babysitting when they aren’t home.

17. Tutoring. Just choose a subject you’re good at and help students younger than you.
18. Driver. Brand new drivers might not have a lot of luck with this one, but if you have driving experience and a good record, people will pay you to run errands for them.
19. Umpire or referree. Got thick skin? If you can handle fiesty parents and coaches, most little league places are hurting for good umps and refs. It usually pays pretty well for a couple hours of work.
20. Pooper scooper. Some people might want you to clean their yards from letting Fido out back. There’s potential for finding work at parks and businesses, too.

21. Clean out horse stalls.
22. Sell bottled water. On a hot day you can sell water from a cooler. Works even better when there’s a local event! I’ve found the best deal for water at Sam’s Club where you can get 40 bottles for less than $3. Do check your local government for permits.
23. Shovel snow.
24. Teach private lessons. Play an instrument? Or a sport? Have an awesome skill? There are always younger kids who want to learn to do what you are good at.

25. Splitting firewood. Another hot ,sweaty job. Hopefully the guy you work for has a log splitter.
26. Organize closets or pantries. If you love to organize things, there are people who would love to use you for certain areas in their house. If you get really good at doing one thing (like pantries), word will spread.
27. Research studies. This can be fun. Companies want opinions from teens all the time about things like deodorant or shampoo. You can also find medical studies if you have a condition. You might want to steer clear of places that want you to take experimental medications, but talk to your parents.
28. Newspaper delivery. In some areas, this is still a thing.
29. Cleaning up after storms. We’ve had some doozies come through our area that leave a mess that takes hours to clean. You can shorten that time for some cash.
30. Raise chicks to laying hens. If you like animals, help other people skip the hard part of raising chickens by raising them from baby chicks until they are 16 weeks old. Then sell them for a premium.
31. Get a job. Some favorite first jobs (at a business) include fast food restaurants, grocery stores, and local mom & pop shops.
These ideas for earning money as a teenager will help you get the cash you want.
Now is the perfect time for you to learn how to save up big amounts of cash. Use this chart to save your first $1,000!