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I have been creating a complete 2 week meal plan that is frugal and includes recipes and suggestions for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks.

Between our BHAG of paying off debt and my hatred of making decisions, meal planning is something I feel is a must do.

Yes, I still have to make decisions.  But I’d far rather make them all at once than 3 times a day every day.

One thing I don’t do is assign foods to a certain day ahead of time.  I like to choose from the list based on the chaos of a given day and what I’m feeling up to making at that time.

That means I’m still making decisions daily, but it’s simple enough to choose from an already created list.

After a brief stint of winter, we had a wonderful weekend of warm (for January) weather.  But I hear the snow is planning to return.  So I’m trying to create a nice mix of foods.

2 Week Meal Plan for Late January. Delicious comfort foods that are budget savers.

Our 2 Week Meal Plan

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I know exactly how it feels to not just want, but need, to slash your grocery bills.

It’s that one part of the budget that takes up so much money, but you have immediate control over that spending.

(Not like a mortgage…I mean, you can refinance but that takes for-e-ver.)

If you need to slash that grocery budget yesterday, I have to recommend you check out this resource from Crystal Paine. She is known as the Money Saving Mom for a reason! 

Her ideas are completely doable…even for people who are new to living frugally.

Breakfast:  Simple and frugal when I can, cereal when I can’t.


  • sandwiches  (PB&J, Nutella, PB&honey, lunchmeat)
  • chips & salsa
  • leftovers
  • muffins
  • soup

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Supper  (with sides of potatoes, rice, noodles, and fresh cut veggies)

Snacks and Extras include

  • fresh fruit
  • crackers
  • cookies
  • popcorn
  • We will be attending our annual “Big Game” football party.  This year the theme is Mexican food, so I’ll need a great recipe so I can bring home the coveted trophy once again!  I’m not above cheating by asking you 😉 so if you have a winning, delicious Mexican type of recipe that will be a hit with the guys, leave it in the comment section.

Those are the meals we love and the new ones we can’t wait to try this week!

Be sure to follow my Pinterest board where I share tons of easy, frugal, delicious pins!

Follow Medium Sized Family’s board Food on Pinterest.

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Don’t forget to leave me a tip about your favorite Mexican recipe!