by Jamie Jeffers | Apr 4, 2018 | Goals
There is no way we’d have paid off tens of thousands in credit card debt without our beloved goals. That’s why I love to share our goals progress each month! I hope that showing you snippets into our life as we pay off big chunks of debt is inspiring and helpful.
But I didn’t do a March update this year. I started to pull it together…but there was just nothing to tell! We hadn’t finished our credit card debt yet. And since most of our goals for the year are waiting until we can pay cash to meet them, we didn’t make progress in those areas, either.
But that’s ok. The wait was worth it. Because after 27 months of chunking away at tens of thousands of dollars in credit card debt, I can finally make the announcement I’ve been dying to type for years.
by Jamie Jeffers | Feb 5, 2018 | Goals
Imagine it’s a crisp morning in early spring. You meet your friends at the park wearing your favorite running outfit. You’ve got your fitness watch ready to go, and you begin stretching.
Everyone is warmed up and ready to begin, so you head to the line they’ve created. Toes go forward, and soon…you’re off!
Your friends are running with purpose. They know which route to take, because they’ve mapped it out ahead of time.
by Jamie Jeffers | Dec 6, 2017 | Goals
You may have noticed that there was no debt check in back in November, and I’m sorry about that! But this series is not something I want to stop doing, because it keeps us accountable to our debt payoff plan. And I hope it helps you fight your own debt, too.
We started paying off this debt at the beginning of 2016, so we’ve been at it for nearly 2 years now. We’ve made some serious progress, which helps us get through the rough months.
by Jamie Jeffers | Oct 4, 2017 | Goals
Inside: Setting monthly goals is important when you’re paying down debt. Peek at the steps we’re taking each month to get closer to freedom from debt.
This post contains affiliate links, so if you buy through them I’ll earn a small commission at no cost to you. I never promote anything I don’t love. Thanks for helping us get debt free!!
August was a rough month for bills, but then again so was September. I’m starting to think we’ve entered a new normal. Or, probably, that I need to review our spending and make sure there aren’t leaks. After all, crushing your spending for 20 straight months isn’t easy. It’s only natural that we’d lose some of our speed.
What we really need is a little victory in our debt fight! Today’s the day we check in and see how that’s going this month, along with the other goals we’ve set for our family.
by Jamie Jeffers | Sep 6, 2017 | Debt, Goals
You know how Dave Ramsey tells you that Murphy will move in when you try to pay off debt? Boy, is he right! July was a tough month emotionally when it came to debt. But August was a doozy for bills!
With an eighth grader joining marching band this year, we were introduced to high school sized fees. Remember back when you couldn’t wait for the kids to leave diapers and formula because you would save so much money? Well it’s kinda like that all over again.
So we used one of our nice chunks of debt money to cover those bills instead. But we didn’t go into debt to cover these bills. And it didn’t leave us without food on our table. It simply backed our debt free date a little further down the calendar.
by Jamie Jeffers | Aug 21, 2017 | Goals
Inside: Blogging is a ton of work, but over time you’ll learn what’s worth it and what you need to stop worrying about. Get advice from a 2nd year blogger!

August marks the birth month of Medium Sized Family! I love to spend a little time reflecting on how far the blog has come, and this year I have 2 years under my belt as a blogger.
When I wanted to be a music teacher, I went to college and studied the subjects they told me to. Blogging is a whole different beast! Sure, you can take classes to learn how to be a better blogger. But it’s tough to figure out what’s valuable… and what’s just noise.
While I have no intention of becoming a blogger who blogs about blogging, I would like to share some of my experiences this year. Maybe this will give other bloggers an aha moment. Or maybe you’ll decide that you’d like to try blogging yourself! Or…not. 😉