Have you ever wondered how to get paid for blogging? It can be a great way to bring in some extra income. And yes, even us “regular people” can do it! Here are a few things you can do to earn money through your blog.
If you’re looking for ways to to add another income stream, or just bring in a little more money, we’re going to continue to talk about ways to do that today.
Last week we talked about creating a blog. This week, let’s talk about how to use that blog to earn money. There are hundreds of combinations you can try, and I strongly suggest that you try several different methods. Don’t rely on just one way to earn money.
How Do You Start A Blog to Make Money?
That answer is a little long, so check out this post for detailed instructions on getting your own blog started.
Do Bloggers Make Money?
The short answer is yes. Yes they do.
The long answer is that this greatly depends on how much time and energy you are willing to put into your blog. Blogging is never a get rich quick scheme. Do a quick search of blog income reports to see how much some bloggers make…but remember that most of these people spend many hours on their blog to earn this kind of money.
If you’re willing to put in some hard work, you can make money, too.
Building Traffic
This hottest topic in blogging is how to find more traffic. Finding readers can be hard! There are millions of blogs out there, so how can you convince internet users to visit your site?
It’s not something that happens over night. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve been blogging for two and a half years, and you can see how gradually my traffic has grown:
All the ups and downs of traffic can feel like a roller coaster ride. Watching your numbers is not for the weak of heart!
Building blog traffic could be an entire post of its own. So I’m just going to quickly give you a couple of my best ideas.
Great Content
To gain readers, always write the best content you can come up with. As everyone says, “Content is king.” (If you do any reading at all about blogging, you’ll see that phrase everywhere.)
Learn what your readers want help with. Solve their problems whenever you can. You want your readers to come back for more, and to share with their friends. You need to have great articles to share with people before anyone will want to visit your blog.
Share, Share, Share
Once you have your blog set up, you’ll want to get active on social media. Set up new business accounts or pages on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and/or Instagram using your blog name. You want to get your information out to as many potential readers as possible.
Although you want to set up all of those pages (before someone else takes them), that doesn’t mean you should make yourself crazy trying to keep up with everything.
To start with, focus on only one or two platforms that you are already familiar with. (For me, that’s Facebook and Pinterest.)
Remember that the world is not going to flock to your door. There is a ton of information out there. You have to push through the noise. Your Mom and your best friend are going to like your stuff right away. Everyone else is going to require an introduction.
How do you introduce yourself?
If you were at a party, you’d walk up to someone, give them your name, maybe start some small talk.
The social media version of introducing yourself is to follow or like the other person first.
On Twitter, for instance, find a big blogger or magazine that matches your niche. Click on their followers and begin to follow anyone that looks like the type of person that might like your information. Many times, those people will follow you back. If not, that’s ok, too.
Don’t overdo this, though. If the number of people you follow is much higher than people who follow you, people will think you are a spammer. No one wants that.
Educate Yourself
I tried learning all of this stuff for free, but I found that it took a lot of time. Plus it was confusing. Everyone seems to contradict one another.
My aha moment came when I realized that, just as my Hubby takes classes to improve his job performance, I needed to invest in some bloggy education. Some of the courses I took paid off more than others. So I’ll only share the ones that gave me a great return on my investment.
The absolute best money I’ve ever spent specifically on social media was an ebook called Pinteresting Strategies. I wish I had read this one much sooner! This book has boosted my traffic a ton. It’s also far more affordable than many of the other resources out there.
I also joined a fantastic mastermind style group of bloggers who are super successful. What better way to learn than from the people who are already doing well? It’s called Bloggers Tell All, and joining this group launched my blog to the next level of earning. This group always knows the latest and best blogging tips.
(For example, within two months of joining this group I was earning 26 times more than what I’d paid for that one month of instruction and motivation! Look for investments that will give you a big return on investment or ROI.)
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SEO stands for search engine optimization. You want Google to be your BFF. How do you get people to notice your blog when they turn to Google for answers?
I did two things that took my SEO game up a notch.
The first one is easy-ish if you have a good host. Switch your blog from http:// to https:// . This tells Google that your site is secure, and that makes them love you more.
(Siteground did all the legwork on this for me. They always accept my chat requests, even though I probably bother them way too much!)
The best course on SEO is Sticky Blogging SEO. This is only open a few times per year, but you’ll get a lot of help from the freebies Kelly offers, too!
Once you begin to build up your traffic, there are tons of ways to start making money.
How Do You Make Money Blogging Online?
Many people think advertising is the way to make money blogging. You really can make good money from ads, but not before you build up a strong audience.
You can begin by signing up with sites like Google Adsense and Sovrn/Meridian. Once your site is accepted, you can put up a couple of ads.
You’ll need to make $100 before Google Adsense will send you a check, or $25 before Sovrn/Meridian cuts you a check.
Once you build up a strong audience (currently 25,000 sessions per month) you can apply for Mediavine. This company is amazing to work with!
Affiliates are different from ads. Money from ads is basically, your reader sees the ad, you get paid. Affiliates require a click and sometimes a purchase.
To be successful with affiliates, you’ll want to choose stores and items that you yourself have used and enjoyed whenever possible. Be genuine with your readers! They will catch on quickly if you are trying to sell them things that are not a good value.
Stores such as Amazon*, Target*, and Walmart have their own affiliate programs. I love these, because if I find an excellent product to tell my readers about, I can just find the link to that exact thing.
Another neat way to find affiliates is to sign up for commission companies. These companies have a giant collection of smaller companies and websites that are looking for publicity. I’ve learned about some really cool companies and products that I wouldn’t have otherwise known about, and then I can share that knowledge with my readers.
Some affiliate marketing networks I enjoy using include:
- ShareASale
- Awin – This one is a favorite of mine, but you should know that they require a $5 payment to join. You’ll get it back when you make a sale.
- CJ Affiliates
- FlexOffers
Sponsored Posts
Many companies recognize the value of the relationship a blogger has with his or her audience. They are willing to pay you to promote their companies or products to your readers.
I was a bit nervous about using sponsored posts on my blog, but I signed up with a couple of companies that match brands to bloggers such as Linqia and Influence Central.
Imagine my relief when my first campaign was working with Dollar General and Pull Ups! It was perfect, because I already shop at Dollar General weekly, and we were just starting to potty train our youngest son anyway. I could be genuine while telling my readers about some free resources they could use for potty training.
There are great offers out there that are a natural benefit to your readers. So sign up, and make it a point to reject anything that won’t be a great match for your audience.
Once you have been blogging for a little while, you’ll begin to learn that some parts of it are more fun to you than others. You are probably great at certain aspects of blogging, but maybe not quite so great at other parts.
What is your area of strength? Do you enjoy writing? Or maybe you have a social media platform mastered. You might enjoy designing your blog or the technical sides of the website. Perhaps your forte is marketing.
Whatever it is that you do best, you can find a way to make money doing it. Many bloggers and entrepreneurs would love to have help in the area that you are best at.
You can go out there and look for people who are hiring help in your best area. Or you can put up an ad on your own blog that offers your services with an email address they can contact for your fees and more information.
I made most of my money in the first couple of years of blogging by freelance writing for other blogs.
MLM Companies
If you sell a product for a company that is a natural fit for your blogging niche, you might be able to sell your products from your blog. For instance, many bloggers sell essential oils or cleaning products.
Your Own Products
Creating your own products to sell is one of the best ways to earn money from a blog. That’s because you aren’t playing by someone else’s rules. You don’t have to pay others to sell your product (unless you want to). And you have more control over bringing something to your audience that you know they will benefit from.
Some ideas for creating your own products include:
- eBooks
- courses
- workbooks
- membership sites
- printables
- physical products
- and more
How Much Can You Make As A Blogger?
A quick search of Google or Pinterest will show you that there are many bloggers out there (people you’ve probably never heard of before) making an easy 6 figures each year from their blog.
One thing about blog income reports that can be discouraging is seeing how many people make their money from blogging about blogging. It makes you wonder if they’ve ever made money from blogging on other topics.
In the interest of honesty, I do have a post that teaches you how to set up your own blog (after all, my job is to help people save and make money, and I want to share how I’m making money myself!). But I have made just a little money from affiliate links in my first couple of years of blogging.
Most of my income has been in the form of freelance writing, ads, and sponsored posts. None of these dollars came as a result of me blogging about blogging. It can be done! (But no, I’m not in that 6 figure club yet.) 😉
The truth about how to get paid for blogging is that you can mix and match a combination of ideas that fits your talents the best.
Remember, sometimes you’ll have to invest a little back into your blog to make it grow. If you can hang in for the highs and lows, you can begin earning decent money from your blog in one to three years.
How do you use your blog to earn income?
I just found your blog – though a link party. I am a fairly new blogger. I appreciate your genuineness. Your tips were very clear and very helpful. Thanks.
Thank you! I wish you a lot of success in your blogging!
Hi Jamie, I’ve been blogging for a while now and would really start to monetize my blog, even if it just makes enough to cover hosting fees I would be happy. I’m not keen on using adverts, I tried them and they looked cluttered and out of place.
I would really like to go down the road of sponsored posts and maybe freelance writing, so I am working on building up my social media presence and will be looking into those a bit more.
Good luck to you!
Very good information! Currently, my main revenue streams are affiliates and ads. I would also like to create my own product line in the near future. Sponsorships are good, but I tend to shy away from them in favor of the freedom of affiliate marketing (it also seems like so many companies undervalue the work that goes into creating and marketing a single post and pitch low-ball offers.).
I’ve heard of Pin scheduling before, but didn’t know about Tailwind, woo! I’d like to say I could “invest” in my blog and whatnot, but there just isn’t the cash for it right now, so as many free resources as I can find, I’m quite fond of! 😉
For a while, I was signed up with Azea…Izea…something like that? The only sponsored posts on there were, well, not anything I would ever use (probably, uh, doesn’t help that I don’t have kids 😉 ). Plus, they never explained well enough how it works, and it always sounded like I would have to pay to be available for an option, so I cancelled my account with them. Then switched to Amazon Affiliates, in the hopes that, hey, it’d be talking about products I actually choose and like…and yet, uh, well, I don’t talk about products often, ha!
Oh well, writing is fun. 🙂
I did pay upfront for hosting, but these things that I’ve paid for lately have only come from blog money. I try to just wait patiently for a check to come in before I make my next blog purchase.
If you wanted to, you could say that you used “this” type of yarn for your latest project and put in a link to the Amazon version. I think that would be very natural, and it isn’t as if you’re forcing anyone to click the link!
On the other hand, if you’re happy to write because you enjoy writing, you shouldn’t necessarily monetize your blog if you aren’t that into making money from it. No one should feel obligated to market their creative work!
Great post, and I like that you share your personal experiences. Visiting from Homestead Blog Hop!
Thanks so much! If others can learn from my experience, I’m always happy to help. 🙂
Thank you for sharing all of these great links! I just put ads on my blog last month because I have just recently started seeing some growth on my blog. Sometimes I can get so discouraged with my slow growth, but I love hearing how others are making it work!
Thank you, Jamie! It is so giving of you to share your tips with us bloggers. I am going back to read some of your links.
Wonderful! Hope you find this helpful in your journey as a blogger.
Some great tips here for starting the process of making money from blogging. I’m not sure I’ll ever head down that path – but as the say “never say never” 🙂
That’s true! I never thought I’d be blogging…but here I am! 😉 I definitely don’t think that monetizing your blog is for everyone, but if you’re looking for a way to earn some money for your family, it can definitely be done.
Congrats on your first sponsored posts – that’s fantastic! I’m working (very slowly) on monetizing but I’ve only been blogging for around 5 months so I don’t think there’s a rush. Right now I’m enjoying the writing, “socializing” and sharing aspects of the blogging experience. I’m going to save this post for the future though to check out some of the links you provide. Thanks for such a through review of the topic. #FFBH
It’s really slow going. But it seems like every time I’ve been totally discouraged by blogging, something comes along that is just too awesome to leave. And it isn’t always a money thing that makes it worth the work! There are so many aspects to blogging, but I enjoy most of them. Thanks for reading!
Congratulations on winning our Tribal Bloggers Mother’s Day giveaway! Thanks so much for entering!
Jamie – Great stuff! I will have to check out Twitter for Beginners. You are right that most of us are good at certain things and not others. I am a content person. I have been writing books and textbooks for years on business and personal finance. But I am no social media giant. I am still on the bottom of the learning curve when it comes to mastering social media. I am still getting confused between Facebook pages and profiles – having set up one of them for my business – (I think I have a page, but not a profile). I plan to have this “mastered” by the end of the summer 🙂
I’ve been trying to focus on one social media platform at a time until I have a better idea of how to use it for my blog. It’s definitely not perfect, but I’m seeing slow improvements! Good luck to you!
I really want to start looking into ways of making money through my blog over the coming months, so I’ve pinned this for a good starting point! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing at #FridayFrivolity. x
I’ve used VigLink for a long time, which turns any company you write about into an affiliate link. It was one of my first income streams from my blog. It doesn’t make a ton, but the payout is way better than AdSense and I believe it only has a $10 threshold.
Wow, great tip. Thanks for telling us about that one!
Hello, Jamie!
I found you on the Small Victories Sunday Linkup! You have a very interesting post, so that I marked it for reading it!
I appreciate connecting with you!
– Emmi!
Great! Always love to meet other bloggers. 🙂
Great post Jamie! I need to check out your resources for growing traffic, I haven’t heard of all of them!
Jamie, these are great tips, especially about not putting all your eggs in one basket. You have listed quite a variety and that is beneficial. Pick one, get good at it, add another. You don’t have to overwhelm your readers or only write sponsored posts, the key is to make it natural. And it does take time. It’s kinda like creating a recipe. It may not work at first, you try again, change up an ingredient or two, it may turn out well this time, but you can always tweak it to make it better! Great post!
I love these tips. I have a lot of work to do to make money on my blog but I’m getting a little here and there. It’s exciting to see growth and you’ve given lots of opportunities for us to look into! Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup. Pinning to our linkup board and hope you found some great posts to visit this week!
Thank you for the Mediavine shoutout in this informative post, Jamie.
We’re glad you’re happy to be with us, as we’re sure happy to have you!
Our threshold to join is 25k sessions within a 30 day period, so as soon as this traffic is reflected in Google Analytics, please come apply!
As publishers with our own websites, we believe that successful monetization is all about finding the balance between ad revenue and user experience and we would never sacrifice one for the other. This is why we set this threshold. Below this number, the ad revenue you’d be able to earn isn’t worth the sacrifice in user experience that happens when ads are put on a site.
If anyone has questions, please reach out at [email protected]
Thanks again!
~Jenny, Mediavine Marketing Associate
I’m such a fan of Mediavine! I definitely recommend them to everyone. 🙂