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Ugh, setbacks.

This week we found out that we can’t install the cistern for rainwater that we were hoping for.  So we’ll be looking for a different solution to bring water to our old home.

We still want to save money for whatever solution we come up with, so the big summer savings goal will definitely continue!

I’ll tell you how that went this week in a moment.  But first, let’s talk about the…

5 Ways We’ve Saved Money This Week

5 Ways We've Saved Money This Week 139


When we bought our used Tahoe, we knew that it would need tires soon.

Well, that day has come.  I decided to check out the Discount Tire that opened not so long ago in our area.

I ordered tires online and set up an appiontment for later that day.

When I got there, I waited at the counter.  Bracing myself for a list of upsales, I stepped up when it was my turn.

Instead, they actually told me about a comparable tire that was cheaper than the one I had chosen!  The customer service was wonderful, and not once did they make me feel like a silly girl.

I would definitely recommend them if you need a tire place.  (They didn’t pay me to say that.  haha!)


Due to many circumstances, our family won’t even be able to take a small vacation this year.

I’m a little sad about that, because our oldest sons are now teens and I know it won’t be long before they won’t go on vacations with us anymore.  🙁

We’re trying to make the most of our summer in small ways.  This week, we decided to see a movie.

Our theater has discounted tickets to all movies on Tuesdays.  They also mailed us a coupon for a free refillable popcorn!

So we were able to see a first run movie at a great price.  It was a nice way to spend a rainy day.

Chuck E Cheese

Well, I can’t say this one was my teen’s idea 😉 but on another day, we took a trip to Chuck E Cheese.

I always check for coupons, and we found one that worked for the little ones.

But at the counter, the cashier told me he had an even better coupon I could use!  Sweet!

I was happy when the kids chose candy as their ticket treat at the end.  We certainly don’t need more clutter in our house!


Our kids got one bonus day for the Reds camp they attended last week.  This week they got to tour Great American Ballpark.

They even got a free pair of shoes!  That’s hard to beat.


Baseball is a big sport in our house.  Luckily, all of the local teams are very supportive of knothole.

One of our local minor league teams offered free tickets to our son’s team.  They can’t wait to go tonight!

Big Savings Goal

If you missed last week’s update, be sure to check it out.  There’s a fun freebie in it for you!  😉

Our savings goal for this summer is to save up $2400 in 3 months. 

That’s a super lofty goal for us!  But we’re aiming high!

This week wasn’t quite as productive as last week.  But we did ok.

I found a winning lottery ticket I had received as a Christmas gift.  (Cleaning off the desk finally paid off!  Literally!)

So I redeemed that for $10.

At the grocery store, I managed to save $75 from my usual budget.  I hope that will continue all summer long! 

Grocery shopping is a biweekly event for us, since that’s how my hubby is paid.  Twice a month we have the chance to save some from that budget.

A few months ago, I opened a business checking account with Chase bank.  They offered a bonus if you met certain requirements (like making deposits and withdrawals).  

That bonus showed up this week to give us an extra $300!

(FYI, they have a $350 bonus going for opening regular checking accounts, right now!)

To reach our goal we need roughly $200 per week.  This week we found $385!  Woohoo for a good start!

I expect some weeks to be below our goal…with the hope that other weeks will exceed it!  Because life just isn’t black and white.

Here is where I’d love to show you an updated thermometer chart with us getting a little closer to our goal.  But alas, I cannot get my printer to cooperate.



If your printer is better behaved than mine, don’t forget to grab your own copy of the printable thermometer for your goals!

 Setting More Into Motion

Since so much about earning money takes extra time, I’ve done things this week that I’m hoping will result in more money in later weeks.

This week, I listed a couple of things on eBay.

Learn my eBay strategy here!

We shared a Facebook message letting people know that we have eggs for sale.

The house needed a big decluttering, and I was able to set aside some things that I’ll try to sell on consignment.

And I took some classes that helped me do better work on the blog (which should naturally bring in more money).  This week I am loving this super affordable Pinterest resource!

Those are the 5 ways we saved money this week PLUS a savings update!

Don’t miss an update on our goal!  Join the mailing group here to keep up with everything (and get a fun free bonus!):

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How did you do this week?