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What a crazy week it has been!  The kids were off on Monday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (of course).  Then off again on Wednesday due to snow.  And they spent the entire week talking about a ton of snow hitting today, so who knows how the week will end for us?

Also, it’s hubby’s birthday today.  So we will be spending our day celebrating him.

Here are the 5 Ways We’ve Saved Money This Week.


5 Ways We've Saved Money This Week 19

If you are new, the idea is for me to come up with 5 different ways each week that we’ve saved money.  Hopefully without repeating myself.  (I’m not perfect!)  If you’d like to catch up on the rest of the series, check it out here.

As for this week…

Frozen Leftovers  Mmmmm….frozen leftovers.  Our Saturdays are pretty busy during basketball season (although baseball season is much crazier!).  This week I decided that Saturday was the perfect day to defrost some of the turkey soup I had made a huge batch of a few weeks ago.  It actually tasted pretty great after coming in from the cold.

When I can make a huge batch of a meal (sometimes that’s tough since I’m already doubling or quadrupling recipes to feed all of us), I try to freeze whatever I can for a quick meal on another night.

Grocery Clearance  Does your grocery store clearance out items?  Luckily mine does.  And it’s everywhere.  They have a special rack in a remote corner of the store that I seek out.  But I’ve also found clearanced items right on the shelves.  Many times it is because they are changing out packaging or because (for instance) pumpkin spice isn’t “in” right now.  The items are still far from their expiration date and nearly always taste great to us!  (Beware the clearanced items that are for funky flavors that no one seemed to like.)

Don’t forget to check the specialty areas that you might not normally shop in.  I found fancy croutons being clearanced at half the price of the generics I typically buy!

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Exercise.  We’ve been having a pretty mild winter.  I didn’t miss the cold and snow too much!  Now that it has finally arrived, I am hauling water to the barn pretty regularly.  My parents got me a nice warm coat and gloves for Christmas, so this chore has been much more “pleasant” this year than it was in the past.  And as I’m hauling those big buckets of water, I try to remind myself that I’m getting a free workout from the job.  Right?

Knowledge.  There is such a wealth of information on the world wide web if you look for it.  There’s no reason to stop learning about anything and everything you’ve wanted to know.  Want to learn a foreign language?  Try Duolingo.  There are a ton of fascinating Ted Talks.  I’ve been participating in a Blog Makeover Challenge from Blogging on Your Own Terms, and hopefully you’ll notice some positive changes in the look and feel of Medium Sized Family!  (None of these links are affiliates, fyi.)

Avoid getting nickel and dimed.  Hubby has a lot of really great perks from his job.  However, their cafeteria recently started charging for forks and plastic ware.  He decided he was better off keeping a set at his desk that he could just clean in the office sink.  (Read more about making your pennies powerful!  Small change adds up quickly.)

Those are our latest 5 ways that we’ve saved money this week!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Don’t forget to leave us your own money saving tips or frugal ways.  Drop a link in the comments if you blogged about it!