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How to Get Kids to Use a Responsibility Chart: Free Printable!

How to Get Kids to Use a Responsibility Chart: Free Printable!

Looking for a responsibility chart that actually works?  Try this free printable, and be sure to use the tips to make the most out of this method!

There are few things that can set off the Mom monster faster than a kid who dumps a mess on the counter you just scrubbed.

Or the one who drops his socks in the middle of the floor you just cleaned.

I know.  I can feel the blood rushing to my head just thinking about it.  And I know I’m not the only one!

It’s high time we let those kiddos who are so good at making the mess learn how to clean it up.


What you need is a tool that makes it all easier.  Something we call the responsibility chart.


17 Fun Things To Do On Your Birthday That Will Fit Your Budget

Looking for fun things to do on your birthday that don’t cost an arm and a leg? Get a few new surprises to spring on the birthday boy or girl this year!

When he woke up, the first thing he did was (of course) come down the steps.

Except that today, there were streamers blocking his exit into the living room.

What could he do…except bust through those paper ropes like the KoolAid Man going through a wall.

Ooooo yeah!

You can bet he felt special from the moment he woke up.  After all, it’s his birthday.

He only gets one per year.  And every little moment you give him throughout the day fills your heart with joy, at least as much as it does his.

Making a birthday feel special doesn’t take a ton of money.

And here’s a hint…it doesn’t have to be Pinterest perfect either.

Here are some super fun things to do for a birthday…they are gonna love it!


At the End of the School Year, This One Thing Will Make a Beautiful Memory

Looking for a special way to mark the end of the school year? Try this awesome low cost idea…but you better be good at keeping secrets!

What do you remember about your high school graduation?

A few things spring to mind for me.

The staff member in charge of seating made arrangements so that couples were seated by each other, so I got to share the day with the man I’d later marry.  (So thoughtful!)

Later, I had a graduation party and received special gifts including a nice flute that would improve my playing abilities as a music major.

But the most special gift I received at the end of the school year was a copy of Dr. Suess’ “Oh! The Places You’ll Go!”

Inside was a special note of encouragement my Mom had written just for me.

I never forgot about that book (in fact, I still have it!).  And as my first born son was wrapping up his kindergarten year, I decided to go ahead and buy the book for him, too.

At the End of the School Year, This One Thing Will Make a Beautiful Memory


How to Develop Self Control: 5 Tips to Get What You Want Most

How to Develop Self Control: 5 Tips to Get What You Want Most

You’re so tired of caving to every little temptation. But you don’t know how to develop self control! These 5 tips will change your thinking in no time

Have you heard of the marshmallow experiment?

The basic idea is that they put kids into a room and set a marshmallow in front of them.

Then, they promised the kids that if they let the marshmallow sit there for fifteen minutes without eating it, they would get a second marshmallow.

Some kids were able to stare at that delicious marshmallow for the full time and resist the temptation.

Others, of course, popped that delicious morsel right into their mouths, too caught up by their impulses to wait for the reward.

Well, those researchers followed those kids for 40 years to see how their ability to resist instant gratification played out in their lives.

As it turns out, that was the key to nearly everything. According to the study (here), the “resister” kids “achiev[ed] higher scholastic performance and cop[ed] better with frustration and stress.”

Who doesn’t want that for their kids???

But even if you are 100% certain your kids would have been in that group that grabbed the marshmallow as soon as the door closed, that’s ok.

There are things you can do as a parent to improve their self control skills.


9 Simple Ways to Show Kindness for Kids That Are Easy To Do

9 Simple Ways to Show Kindness for Kids That Are Easy To Do

These simple ways to show kindness for kids are easy to implement into your day. Use the free checklist as a scavenger hunt to look for chances to show kindness all day!

I’d had enough.  

It was another one of those days where you wake to the sound of bickering, and it doesn’t stop until everyone is asleep.  

With a school break on the horizon, I knew I had to do something to change the mood of the house before all of us went crazy.

We needed more kindness in our home.

There are plenty of ways to show kindness for kids.  But I wanted to make it into a game rather than something resembling a punishment.  

After all, forced acts of kindness kind of defeats the purpose.
