*this post contains affiliate links that pay me a small stipend but do not increase your bill at all
Last week was every bit as busy as it looked on paper. Even more so with a few events popping up at the last minute! I was very happy that I decided to take it easy on my weekly goals knowing that I had such a busy time scheduled.
Sometimes you have season where you have to give yourself grace and realize that you can come back to marching towards your goals again soon. There is no reason to frustrate yourself. Sometimes that frustration just leads to you falling further and further behind.
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Here’s what we got finished:
Home & Barn
Continue work on bathroom redo- List 5 more items for sale
Family time (kids have Election Day off of school)One on one time with my daughter
Blog Goals
- Finish mapping out posts to the end of the year (halfway done)
Increase mini blogging on FacebookThis is so much fun!Spend more time on Pinterest(What a “tough” job blogging is!)Research guest blogging and begin process
Personal Goals
- Daily Bible readings
- 6 Burpees on 5 days
- Finish reading Better Than Before and blog about it
New goals for this week are…
Home and Barn
- Earn 250 Swagbucks
- Do research study to earn money for Christmas
- Learn how to load and use money saving apps on my phone
Family Goals
- Have a family game night
- Have some friends over
- Reestablish chore charts
Blog Goals
- Finish plan through end of year
- Write a guest post
Personal Goals
- Daily Bible readings
- 6 Burpees on 5 days
- Finish reading Better Than Before and blog about it
- Eat 5 fruits and/or veggies per day
What are your priorities this week?