Hello lovely readers!
I really love the community we are building here! I hope that you find this blog entertaining and encouraging. Because you guys definitely encourage me every single day.
Today I’d really like to pick your brain. Whether you read Medium Sized Family on a regular basis or if this is your first time visiting, I’d really love to learn more about you. I really want this blog to be the most helpful resource it can be, and your answers will help me to help you better.
So would you pretty please take this 4 question survey? It’s pretty simple and straightforward. (I promise that there are no questions about train speed ratios or “is to” analogies.)
Simple 4 Question Survey
Create your own user feedback survey
If you’re having trouble taking the survey here, you can click over to this link instead.
If you have noticed any problems or aggravations about the blog, please let me know that, too. Constructive criticism is great! If the problem is that you can’t comment here, you can send me a message on Twitter or leave a note on my Facebook wall.
Thank you so much!!
While you’re answering easy questions, I’ve started up a once a week email subscription. This subscription will give you extra tips and ideas that you won’t find here on the blog. Subscribers will also be the first to know about new things as they come along!
Or if you prefer, you can get a once per week RSS feed of my blog posts for that week.
What you won’t get is spam. Promise!
Thanks so much! You guys rock.
If there is anything else you’d like to see more or less of on the blog, be sure to let me know! Leave a comment or email me at mediumsizedfamily at gmail dot com.
I’ve completed it! Hope my answers help you somewhat!
Everyone’s answers will definitely help. Thanks so much!!
That bar across the top is awful; it makes the readable part of the screen too small
I bought a theme when I first started blogging and have had so much trouble with it! Thanks for the feedback, I know that I need to either figure it out or ditch the theme for a better choice.
Answered – thank you for sharing with Pin Worthy Wednesday
Great! Thank you.
I did the survey, but I have an additional comment: I was just looking for one of your articles from maybe 6 weeks ago, but it’s not a “top post” and I don’t see that you have a search tool or an index to your archives. I’ll keep looking for it using the categories, but I think these other tools would be helpful to add to your sidebar.
There’s a search button up at the top in my menu bar. I will move the one in my sidebar up toward the top, I think it’s kind of gotten lost in the mess. If you still don’t see it, please let me know! Hopefully it’s not a broken link.
Thanks for letting me know, I think a search bar is super important! This is just the type of feedback I was hoping for.
I took the survey! I can’t wait to see what the results are! Thanks so much for linking up with us at Share The Wealth Sunday!