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I’ve got a premature spring cleaning itch.  The weather has been nice enough to throw open the windows (odd for February in Ohio).  But I think I’m just trying to clean away all the germs that keep making their way into our home!

Being Type A, I tend to prefer to use a checklist when I clean.  Otherwise, I spin my wheels cleaning a bit of this and a bit of that.  I’d rather know where I’ve been and where I’m going.

How about you?

Now let’s take a look back at our week and see how we’ve saved.

Here are the 5 Ways We’ve Saved Money This Week

Filed Taxes Myself

The day I file my taxes is the most anxiety driven day of my whole year.  I hate doing it!  But I do save a lot of money by doing it myself.  I always make sure to start at Ebates so I get a little cash back for my filing fees.  I found that TaxAct had the best prices again this year.

Be sure to check out my tips on what to do with tax money.

What To Do With That Tax Money

Played With Friends

The kids had a 4 day weekend.  I did think about taking them somewhere, but since everyone’s been sick for two weeks, I didn’t. We need a little more time to rest and recover.  And I can’t stomach the thought of bringing home more germs from a public spot!

It was ok.  The kids got to play with the neighbor kids.  Plus the weather was so beautiful that it was nice to just play outside for a while!

Reused Water

I made a butterscotch pie, which required a double boiler.  Since I don’t have one of those, I typically just fill a dutch oven with water and use a double handled pot that fits nicely inside the larger pot.

Because our water situation is kind of crazy, I always look for ways to reuse water.  Once my pie was made, I was left with a perfectly fine pot of hot water.  I decided to use it to clean.  So I poured it into a bucket with some Pine Sol and got some more “spring” cleaning done.

Generic Ink

I had no idea how many problems people were having with generic ink until I talked about it with some of you over on Facebook.  Luckily my Epson printer still accepts generic ink.

That said, if we ever switch printers I’ll have to be careful to only buy generic ink if I’m confident that my printer will accept it.  Otherwise you run into one of those situations where you actually spend MORE money by going the generic route.  And I hate it when that happens!

Date Night

We managed to squeeze in a February date night!  We kept it simple by having the babysitter for a short amount of time and just going for dinner.  It was nice to have some conversation when we could actually hear each other!

Those are the 5 Ways We’ve Saved Money This Week

Kind of a simple week, but that’s what we needed after a few weeks of sickness anyway!

Be sure to check out How to Organize a Large Family in a Small House.  Even if you don’t have a large family, I bet you’ll find some tips you can use in your own home!

How did you save this week?