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I am one lucky duck.  Early last week my nephew was born.  And late in the week, one of my bestest friends had a son, too.  How often do you get to cuddle a brand new baby at either end of a stressed out week??  It was wonderful, and I absolutely love those little bundles of joy.

In between cuddles, we’ve been cleaning and mending in preparation for cold weather.  There’s no sign of cold in southern Ohio right now (how about you?), but we all know it’s coming!  Better to be the ant than the grasshopper.

Grab a free checklist to help you get ready for the winter!

Every Friday at Medium Sized Family, we celebrate the little wins that got us that much closer to debt freedom.  You can read 5 money saving tips from 95 different weeks (and counting!) in the archives. But now it’s time for the latest ideas…

The 5 Ways We’ve Saved Money This Week 96

5 Ways We've Saved Money This Week: A series that looks at different ways to save cash week after week.

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Savings at CVS

Our little guy has a birthday coming up, so when a prescription triggered a $5 ECB (extra care bucks, basically free money at CVS!), I knew I’d use it for a gift.  I paired it with a 30% off coupon I had to get him a Play Doh set that I know he’ll love!

Usually, if I don’t have anything like this in mind for my ECBs, I’ll end up buying milk.  But it’s even nicer when you can stack your savings with a coupon!

Cheap Haircut

The Great Clips in our area had a giant $6 haircut sale this week, so Hubby took advantage.  I usually give my boys a buzz with these clippers to save us the price of haircuts.  But I’m not brave enough to try my Hubby’s hair yet (ever?)!

Work Dinner

Hubby had a dinner for work, which meant he got to go to a nice restaurant and meet people for free.  Any chance you get to meet other people in your job or area of knowledge is one you should take!  Who knows where something like that might lead?

He also had a well deserved night out, since life has been so crazy in our house lately!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Phone on the fritz? Get a good phone at a great price with these tips! #moneysaving” quote=”Phone on the fritz? Get a good phone at a great price with these tips!” theme=”style6″]

Didn’t Buy the Genius Blogger’s Toolkit

This one is kind of funny, because I’m sure I used it as a savings last year!  This year I decided not to purchase the kit.  It looked great, and I’m sure there would have been a ton to learn at a small cost.  But I’ve reached a point where I need to spend more time implementing the things I’ve already learned about blogging rather than collecting more information.

I do think that if you want to make money you need to be ready to make some investments.  But at some point you need to be ready to put learning on hold while you do the hard work.  And right now, that’s where I am.

New Phone

It was stinky when my old phone stopped working with most apps.  When I had to delete Pinterest, I pouted just a little.  But it was ok.  Then, when I wasn’t getting texts, it was annoying.  But whatever.  I was determined to #presson.

But THEN, the doctor had to return my after hours (important) call.  Well, he was trying to return my call.  The phone, however, wasn’t having it.  The call never came through.

And that’s when it became not ok.  I didn’t want to buy a phone…we’re only 6 months away from getting rid of credit card debt!  But there comes a point where it’s too important to skip.  And we’ve reached it.

So I did some research and decided on a Moto G4.  It’s not flashy, but it has good reviews and seems like it will get the job done.  It works with Republic Wireless (I’m considering making the switch, and I’ll let you know all about it!).  It’s not the latest model anymore, which makes it more affordable.

Then I checked Swappa, which is an eBay of sorts for technology. They had a few Moto G4s listed, but I was able to find an unlocked phone in mint condition listed for just $135.  This was cheaper than I’d seen anywhere else.  But Hubby offered $125.  They met us in the middle and I ended up getting it for $130.

I’ll let you know how this unfolds, but I’m happy with this deal.  The phone seems to work well (it’s definitely an upgrade for me!).  And hey, it’s certainly better than making payments for a year or more!

Those are the 5 ways we saved this week!

I’m not a fan of change, but I’m hoping my new phone works out.  Hey, if I can get phone calls from doctors, I’ll be a happy Mama.

Do you ever feel a little bit of house envy?  Try these ideas for keeping content in your own home.

When I Hate My House, It's Time to Do These 3 Things

How have you saved money lately?