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Love it or hate it, a school routine keeps the wheels turning. Put these 6 ideas in place and rock the new school year!

Summer break always brings mixed emotions.

You probably don’t miss alarm clocks and keeping up with school supplies.

Then again, getting back into a routine of the school year does make life flow more smoothly.

Over the years, I’ve found some awesome resources that keep our family on track when the school year begins.  Here are 6 things you can do to rock the new school year!

6 Simple Ways To Get Back to the School Routine

Ugh, I hate going back to the school routine after a summer off. These are some good ideas for making it easier for the whole family.

Back to school will probably be even crazier than ever this year. Most kids have had a 5 month break from school. In some ways that might make it harder to get back to it.

But these tips should still serve you pretty well.

1.  One Last Fling

While you’re figuring out schedules and supplies, don’t forget about having some fun, too!  Was there one thing you’ve been meaning to do all summer, but just never got around to it?

What would your kids love to do one last time?

Try to fit in that trip to the pool, a backyard camp out, or one more night of catching lightning bugs.

2. Supplies

Look back over your school shopping lists to be sure you didn’t miss anything important.

And if you know the kids will need a refill of certain items (I’m looking at you, no. 2 pencils) halfway through the year, buy extras while they are on sale.

Be sure to check out these tips for shopping for school supplies on a budget.

3.  Packing Lunches

Ugh, I don’t miss packing lunches over the summer!  But it’s a great way to save money over the cost of a school lunch, so we pack nearly every day.

Luckily, you can make packing lunches easy with a few tricks.

Even a kindergartner can pack part of their lunch, so be sure to ask the kids to pull their own weight!

We always put lunches together the night before.  Refrigerated items can go in a basket marked with each child’s name for simple mornings.

Get more tips on simplifying lunches (plus a free printable!) here.


4.  Know Your Schedule

I’m lost without my calendar.  With so many kids in different activities, it’s too hard to keep track of everything.

At the beginning of the school year, try to find a school calendar.

Enter as many items on your own calendar as possible.  That way you’ll start to have some idea of what next May will be like.

Of course, sometimes things change.  So you’ll want to double check items on your calendar throughout the year.

If you like easy, make sure you check out the Cozi app.  This free pap has a calendar, plus other great tools (like shopping lists) that make Mom life so much easier.  Did I mention it’s free? (That’s #yearofno approved!)

Plus, the Cozi app is color coded, so you can see at a glance that your oldest needs to be here while your youngest should be there.

5.  Have a Routine

When I first decided to put a routine in place for our family, I was just a little strict.

As in…we were to eat at noon, followed by naps at 1:00 on the dot.

So if we were out running errands, I’d drop everything to be home by noon exactly.

I was lost when we deviated from that routine.

Now I realize how silly that was.

When you have a young family, you need a fluid routine.  A general plan or checklist of things that have to be done each day is good, but it has to move with life.

For instance…decide that each morning, you’ll empty the dishwasher, run a load of laundry, make the bed, and choose supper.

Even if you don’t do anything else on a busy day, your family will be able to run smoothly.

The kids have expectations for the morning, too.

  • dress (This means putting on shoes!  No one wants to look for lost shoes on the way out the door.)
  • eat breakfast
  • brush teeth
  • put together lunch (packed the night before)
  • gather everything needed for school

That must be done before any reading or play happens.

Get more help here:

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6.  Bedtime

People suggest that you get kids adjusted to an earlier bedtime a bit at a time.  Move their summer bedtime forward 15 minutes each night, they say, until you’ve reached your goal.

I’m sure that’s great information… but I don’t find that it works for our family.

In fact, it’s easier to make sure they get up a bit earlier each day leading up to the big morning.

But we mainly use the “It’s the first day of school! Get out of bed!” shock method.  My kids adjust fine within a few days.  😉

It is important to have a bedtime routine.  Give your body a signal that you’re getting ready to lie down for the night.

Try having kids wash their face (or showering) and read for a bit (if that’s calming).

Another trick?  Let the kids stay up an extra half hour to read.  It’s a great way to encourage your kids to love reading!

These steps to a back to school routine will have your family ready to go by the time the bus rolls up your street.

If you like saving both time and money, check out these Mom approved durable backpacks.  Buy once and stop worrying about getting a new one every year!

8 Of The Most Durable Backpacks for Kids Who Are Tough On Stuff

What’s your best back to school tip?  Be sure to share below!

Back to school routines: These simple at home tips and ideas will help your kids pick back up on the school year without missing a beat!

Getting back into the back to school routine. Tips for the night before back to school. Tips for kids getting ready to go back to school. How parents can get kids at home ready for getting back to school.