I am not a crafty or creative person. Most of the time when I try to tackle a project, it does not look the way the instructions promised me. I’m starting to suspect that the problem isn’t that the directions for every project on Earth are wrong…
Here are my confessions:
- My parents are able to create such amazing things. My Dad can craft anything out of wood. My Mom can paint, sew, decorate, and DIY with the best of them. They did spread around these genes, but somehow all of them went to my 4 siblings and missed me.
- Details are my downfall. When I hear someone say “The Devil is in the details”, I always think to myself “Sounds like I had better stay away from details, then!”
- On the other hand, acts of service is my main love language. There’s nothing more satisfying than to see a job completed. That’s not a satisfaction you can ever get from washing dishes or laundry. So to satisfy that desire, I have to find things that can be improved upon and have a definite end point.
Our home was built in the 1950s, and there are always projects that need to be done. Right now we are not in a place to tackle any major projects, but smaller things are doable. So as part of my weekly goals, I am making sure to set goals to get a project or two done each week.
In the past, I have avoided doing these projects because I know they won’t turn out perfectly. Others could do much better things with these items than I can! On the other hand, even with my imperfect ways, the projects I manage to get finished are a big improvement over letting items flounder and go to waste.
My current project: the front porch bench.
I’m still in the middle of this project, but even when I’m finished, this bench isn’t going to hold up to scrutiny. There will be mistakes in my painting, especially in the devilly little details. But it will give my porch some pop (something it desperately needs!). And when I look at it, I will see a project that I completed. A small way that I improved our little home.
That’s good enough for me! And each small improvement gives me the boost I need to get up and make another improvement to our home. Progress, not perfection. (Thanks, Flylady!)
How are you letting perfection stop you from doing what you need or want to accomplish?
Heehee, Jamie…I love it. When I read “I am not a crafty or creative person,” I just want to say, “Yes, sister!” I saw your comment on my DIY-disaster confessional and went to check out your site…and saw to my delight that I’m already following you! Woo hoo! Blessings on your day, and feel free to adopt my favorite hashtag if you like: #idkhowtodiy. 😉
I feel like I live that hashtag! haha! Thanks for visiting.
I think the fact that you are taking the time to work on the porch bench speaks much louder than your concern that it may not turn out right. It’s much easier to just say “well, I’ve had problems doing this in the past, why try now?” instead of trying again, as you are! Plus, anyone who wants to hold a magnifying glass up to your efforts, so to speak, probably won’t see what you may see as a problem – we are our own worst critics!
Why do we always think in the terms of perfection. Your bench looks great and it will give you a pop of color. Add some pretty flowers in a bright pot and it will be PERFECT !!! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your kind words! I got some flowers planted out there today and it’s starting to look nice. Hopefully we don’t get an early frost now. 😉
I think your bench looks great! My motto on DIY projects is if I’m happy with it, then that’s what really matters. Thanks for sharing on Snickerdoodle Sunday. Pinned and Tweeted.
You’re right, it’s time to do things for me and worry less about what others might think. Thanks for hosting the hop!
Progress not perfection, I love that quote and it is so me!
Your bench looks great. I love the color, too. Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday.
I’m glad I’m not the only one! I’m really not very crafty at all and DIY is not my thing! I’m sure your porch bench will be lovely – you will be the only one who notices the imperfections. Thank you for sharing this encouraging post with us at the Hearth and Soul hop.